Annual General Meeting
Dear Member,
The Cycling BC AGM is fast approaching and, on behalf of the Board of
Directors, we would like to encourage you to attend the meeting.
The Annual General Meeting provides an opportunity to update our
bylaws Please refer to the following document for proposed amendments
to the Cycling BC Bylaws.
If you have any questions regarding the proposed amendments please do
not hesitate contacting the Cycling BC Office.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.
Kindest Regards,
Pamela Egger Keith Ryan
Vice President Policy Development Chief Executive Officer
The 2008 Cycling BC Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday
October 25th, 2008 at the Head Office of Mountain Equipment Co-op:
Mountain Equipment Co-op
149 West 4th Avenue
Vancouver BC V5Y 4A6
Start Time: 10am
2008 AGM Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of 2007 AGM Minutes
3. Report from the President
4. Report from the Chief Executive Officer
5. Report from the Vice President Financial Oversight
- Approval of Financial Statements
- Appointment of Auditors
- Approval of 2009 Membership Fees
6. Report from the Vice President Mountain Bike
7. Report from the Vice President Road, Track and Cyclo-cross
8. Report from the Vice President Policy Development
9. Report from the Vice President BMX
10. Report from the Vice President Randonneur
11. Amendment to the Bylaws/Constitution
12. Elections
· Vice President Road, Track and Cyclocross
· Vice President BMX
· Vice President Policy Development
· Vice President Financial Oversight
13. New Business
Who Can Vote?
All 2008 Cycling License holders who are in good standing with Cycling
BC are eligible to vote.
Affiliated Clubs in good standing may elect, in writing, one
representative, who is a valid License holder, to cast one vote on
behalf of the club.
Questions? For more information about the Cycling BC AGM please visit
Cycling BC
201-210 West Broadway
Vancouver BC
V5Y 3W2
(604) 737-3034
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