---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeff Ain <ainjeff@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 9:39 AM
To: EV Mailing list <ev@math.ubc.ca>, devo mailing list <devo@lists.escapevelocity.bc.ca>, Travis Jutson <tjutson@gmail.com>, Jesse Reams <jesse_istoofast@hotmail.com>, Fred Tsai <fred_tsai604@hotmail.com>
From: Jeff Ain <ainjeff@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 9:39 AM
To: EV Mailing list <ev@math.ubc.ca>, devo mailing list <devo@lists.escapevelocity.bc.ca>, Travis Jutson <tjutson@gmail.com>, Jesse Reams <jesse_istoofast@hotmail.com>, Fred Tsai <fred_tsai604@hotmail.com>
Good morning EV and dEVo members,
Something is coming. Off in the distance, over the snowbanks, through the endless fog. Something so epic that
Lance Armstrong refused to un-retire for it, and word has it that Obama scheduled Canada as his first destination
as president so he could watch it.
Maybe the subject line gave it away prematurely. On a more serious note, please read below for information
regarding the Spring Series for 2009. A few changes have been made to make racing more enjoyable for all
levels of cyclists including more novice racing and shifting the series back two weeks.
Changes for 2009 Spring Series:
1. Dates - this year we have decided to push the racing back two weeks. Racing will start on Sunday March 15
and run every weekend, ending on Sunday April 12. A detailed race schedule will be posted on the club website
over the next week (this means you, Cousineau!).
2. EV Club member race fees - EV members pay $10 per race. Everyone else pays $25 per race.
3. Volunteering Code - It's not easy being the best cycling club in BC. We work hard at it by giving back to the
cycling community with more days of racing than all other Lower Mainland clubs put together. Every race that you
volunteer at, you receive a voucher for a free race.
What does volunteering entail? Marshalling the course, delivering flyers to area residents, sign-on duty to name a
few. This email is the first call-out for volunteers. I am confident that my email inbox will be full by tonight.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email and I will promptly reply.
Happy riding,
Jeff Ain
dEVo Coach/Coordinator
Something is coming. Off in the distance, over the snowbanks, through the endless fog. Something so epic that
Lance Armstrong refused to un-retire for it, and word has it that Obama scheduled Canada as his first destination
as president so he could watch it.
Maybe the subject line gave it away prematurely. On a more serious note, please read below for information
regarding the Spring Series for 2009. A few changes have been made to make racing more enjoyable for all
levels of cyclists including more novice racing and shifting the series back two weeks.
Changes for 2009 Spring Series:
1. Dates - this year we have decided to push the racing back two weeks. Racing will start on Sunday March 15
and run every weekend, ending on Sunday April 12. A detailed race schedule will be posted on the club website
over the next week (this means you, Cousineau!).
2. EV Club member race fees - EV members pay $10 per race. Everyone else pays $25 per race.
3. Volunteering Code - It's not easy being the best cycling club in BC. We work hard at it by giving back to the
cycling community with more days of racing than all other Lower Mainland clubs put together. Every race that you
volunteer at, you receive a voucher for a free race.
What does volunteering entail? Marshalling the course, delivering flyers to area residents, sign-on duty to name a
few. This email is the first call-out for volunteers. I am confident that my email inbox will be full by tonight.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email and I will promptly reply.
Happy riding,
Jeff Ain
dEVo Coach/Coordinator
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